Writer, Game Designer, Gamer, Husband, Dad

I’m a writer with some (admittedly older) professionally published short stories to my credit.

I’m a veteran game designer with professionally and personally published work for roleplaying games, wargames, and educational games.

I’m a life-long gamer, having immersed myself in roleplaying games, both miniature and chit-and-board wargames, and popular board games.

I’m a family man who seeks to share his love for games and history with his son and other young people.

I invite you to share my multifaceted journey, past, present, and future, in my various activities.

What will you find here?

This website serves to showcase and promote my various activities, mostly related to the adventure gaming hobby, my continued work in writing and game design, and my efforts to advocate for games as engaging learning tools and positive family activities.

Hobby Games Recce

Since 2010 I’ve written frequently about developments in the adventure gaming hobby – roleplaying games, board games, and wargames – along with m past experiences and other opinions on issues we face. You’ll find more than 10 years of missives here covering numerous subjects, including my interest in using games for learning. Check out Hobby Games Recce.

Games for Learning

I advocate using game experiences to encourage, reinforce, and expand learning opportunities. Read about my past efforts, current rationale, and developing plans. You can also contact me to craft a presentation or workshop suited to your venue and goals (see Contact Me information at the bottom of this page). Check out the Games for Learning page.

My Professional Work

For almost 30 years I’ve worked full-time and freelance for the adventure gaming hobby with professionally and personally published game credits, along with a few short stories. Here you’ll find my bibliography, links to roleplaying game and wargame material produced through Griffon Publishing Studios, free game material, links to my reminiscences of my time working on the Star Wars Roleplaying Game at West End Games, information about the D6 System roleplaying rules, and other material related my time in the publishing industry. Check out My Professional Work page.

Where To Find Me

Although I use this website as a central repository of information, I maintain an online presence in various corners of the internet:

  • Hobby Games Recce: My blog about the adventure gaming hobby.
  • Itch.io: You'll find all my publications for sale here in PDF format, from system-neutral roleplaying game sourcebooks to solo adventures, a tank wargame for kids, and a solo u-boat wargame.
  • DriveThruRPG: Here you can purchase my roleplaying game publications in PDF files, including programmed text solitaire adventures; this includes several free/pay-what-you want titles.
  • Wargame Vault: A sales page for my wargaming publications, notably Panzer Kids. It also offers several free/pay-what-you want titles.
  • Lulu: You can order print copies of some of my game titles from this online print-on-demand service. These include Panzer Kids, a fantasy roleplaying game setting, and two programmed text solitaire adventures.
  • BlueSky: If you're on BlueSky you'll find me here, experimenting with yet another social media platform.
  • Mastodon DiceCamp: With the instability at Twitter I established a presence in this decentralized platform. I cross-post material here from other platforms and interact with folks who exclusively inhabit this space.
  • Online Wish Lists: I maintain two wish lists with online stores, Bookshop.orgNoble Knight Games, and Amazon with materials that currently engage my interests.

Contact Peter Schweighofer

If you’d like to contact Peter, e-mail him at schweig “at” att “dot” net.