
 Over the years I’ve collected positive comments and bits about my work appearing elsewhere on the internet. People like hearing positive feedback about their work. Here you can read what others have been saying about my game creations.

I’m particularly flattered that people use my Panzer Kids introductory World War II tank game to introduce children and newcomers to the miniature wargaming hobby, engaging them in both gaming and history. Several have written online about their experiences with Panzer Kids:

HAWKS Host Test Game for Alzheimer’s Patients – A gaming club based in Maryland used Panzer Kids to engage Alzheimer’s patients through basic problem solving, motor skills moving tanks on the battlefield, and visual stimuation.

Wargaming blogger John Yorio offers several posts about Panzer Kids on his 54mm or Die blog, but Panzer Kids! Eastern Front Edition gives a good idea how much fun families can have, with some good photographs of the battlefield set up.

Russell Philips, a gaming and military history writer in the United Kingdom, offered insights in a Panzer Kids: Review after playing it with their daughter.

Readers also leave compliments on my online sales pages for various games.See what people have said about my game publications over the years, arranged by publication:

Skirmish Kids:

Peter's rules don't talk down to you but focus on teaching concepts without too much jargon and then gradually introducing complexity as necessary. ”

Shawn Medero

Pulp Egypt:

Electrum Best Seller at DriveThruRPG

It popped up on my radar and proved to be exactly, precicely what I needed. Its clean, concise without being too short, and the pulp flavor just oozed from every page.

Mark Carroll

THIS is how you write a sourcebook…. Well-researched, logically structured, informative without being pedantic, and written in a very professional – yet surprisingly easy-to-read – style.”

– Roger J. S., DriveThruRPG review

This is one of those rarities in modern RPG publishing -- the kind of book that makes me smile, nod, and occasionally jump around in my seat in childlike delight.”

– S. John Ross, the Blue Room

From what I’ve seen it’s a mighty impressive piece of work that covers Egypt 1933-39 superbly for gaming. Check it out!”

– Steve Long, Hero Games

It’s a damn fine piece of work. I highly recommend it.”

– Colin Chapman, RPG Freelancer

The sourcebook PDF is well worth the money; if you plan to set a campaign in Egypt, I’d call it a necessity.”

– Linwood, Exile Games forums

I absolutely LOVE this book, and it is designed to be used with just about any game system.”

– Madwabbit, Exile Games forums

Having gamed with Schweighofer, I recommend his products, especially the Egyptian ones.”

– Egyptoid, Hero Games forums

Heroes of Rura Tonga:

Electrum Best Seller at DriveThruRPG

This is 108 pages of pulp goodness.... You can easily adapt this to whatever pulp system you are using.”

– Wes S., DriveThruRPG review

One of my favourite pulp(y) settings.... The setting has everything you could wish for. Beaches, Zombies, evil Nazis, island hopping, dog fights, intrigue, high adventure and memorable characters. Heroes of Rura-Tonga is two fifths background material and three fifths adventure. Perfect combination for me.”

– Frank R., DriveThruRPG review

The Asturia Incident:

Always a pleasure to see Peter working his magic with a solitaire adventure. Lots of fun!”

– Eric T., DriveThruRPG comment

The Greydeep Marches

Copper Best Seller at DriveThruRPG

An interesting read and has three solid, if short, adventures.... A charming product and should prove most useful as a locale in a starting campaign.”

– Jeremy, OSR News & Reviews

Panzer Kids Deluxe:

Silver Best Seller at DriveThruRPG

The author designed Panzer Kids to let grownups run tabletop miniatures battles featuring the most iconic armored vehicles of WW2 for their little gamers as young as 7. He succeeds, and at the same time, introduces new gamers to all the classic concepts of miniature wargaming, making Panzer Kids an effective gateway to the hobby.”

– Douglas A.

If you want to move a few tanks around with your friends, and don't really want to spend half the game checking rule books, Panzer Kids Deluxe is for you.... Overall, a load of fun, and a bargain to boot!”

– Steven P.

Not complicated therefore not for those who want to count the rivets but if you want a fun game of tank warfare in the desert or on the West and East front, this is for you.”

– Wargame Vault Customer

Good game for beginners.... The rules were simple enough that mini-me ran his own game the next day without assistance.”

– Brian H.

Creatures & Caverns:

This is an invaluable transition from simple child boardgames into the more complex RPGs.”

– Breandon O.

What I really like about Creatures & Caverns is that it’s exceptionally easy to play, making it a great gateway game for small children.... Creatures & Caverns is a wonderfully done, simply little boardgame/RPG mash-up that I think kids of ANY age could have a lot of fun with.”

– Alexander L.

Operation Drumbeat:

Electrum Best Seller at DriveThruRPG

Classic and new at the same time, Operation Drumbeat is a must-have for the solo gamer!”

– John Fiore, Solo Nexus

Enough history and rules to make it interesting and not bog you down…. The game has high replay value…. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. You get a lot of value for only a few dollars outlay.”

– Gunther B.

Schweig’s Themed Dungeon Generator:

Electrum Best Seller at DriveThruRPG

An excellent accessory for classic dungeon delving with a ‘controlled’ and customizable randomness to it…. With a clever mechanic for intensifying encounter dangers, this is the perfect balanced solo tool for meaningful but unexpected old school delving!”

– John Fiore, Solo Nexus

This is a great gaming accessory at a great price. If you’re interested in solo gaming or just want a well designed tool for session prep, you can’t go wrong picking this one up.”

– Michael Hansen, DriveThruRPG review