Griffon Publishing Studio

I started publishing my own wargame and roleplaying game material in 2005 under my Griffon Publishing Studio imprint. These titles are available to purchase (with some free/pay-what-you-want) as electronic PDF file from DriveThruRPG and Wargame Vault, with a few offered in print-on-demand format from LuluRead what people have said about my game work over at the Accolades page. Here’s a quick summary of the more substantive game projects I’ve released over the years:

Pulp Egypt: This system-neutral roleplaying game sourcebook details Egypt in the 1930s, grounded in historical realism with fantastic elements lurking just below the surface. A host of free adventures supplements the resources and inspiration in the main sourcebook.

Heroes of Rura-Tonga: Another pulp-era, system-neutral sourcebook about island-hopping adventures in the South Pacific. Includes both information to inspire one’s own game campaign – overview of a tropical island, period aircraft, outline of political developments in the region – as well as five adventures.

Panze Kids: My rules for introducing kids to miniature wargaming with World War II tanks. The basic game is free/pay-what-you-want, but the deluxe version contains optional rules to add as players grasp each new concept. It also contains overviews of armored vehicles for each country and several historic scenarios to play.

The Greydeep Marches: A system-neutral fantasy roleplaying game setting in a settled borderland territory. Ancient magic lurks beneath the surface in these recently civilized lands while malevolent forces press eastward, sending streams of monster refugees into the lands.

Operation Drumbeat: A solitaire wargame where players are u-boat captains in the opening days of submarine warfare along America’s east coast in early 1942. Players navigate using a reproduction of an authentic u-boat grid map and keep a daily war journal just like historical captains.

The Asturia Incident: A programmed solitaire adventure intended to teach players to play the D6 System. After evading powerful enemies, an elite courier must survive an unforeseen disaster aboard a luxury star cruiser.

Trapped in the Museum: A short programmed solitaire adventure in which a young student wakens inside a museum after hours...where he encounters an animated statue, ghouls, and a ghostly Egyptian princess. Available as a free/pay-what-you-want PDF or slim print volume.

Creature & Caverns: A more refined version of the very simplistic roleplaying game I created in junior high school after seeing some neighborhood kids play Dungeons & Dragons.

Although Griffon Publishing Studio’s exclusive online presence lingers on the internet, I’m no longer updating it with any new publications or press releases. I expect I’ll be paring it down to the bare minimum, if anything at all, as I expand this personal site to cover more varied activities and issue updates here about any new materials I release.